Thank you for visiting our Site!
The terms and conditions set forth herein (hereinafter the "Terms and Conditions") govern the access to and/or use of this website (hereinafter the "Site"), developed by and exclusively owned by Alanis, Flores & Cía., S.C. (hereinafter "AFC"), as well as the Services (as defined in this term below) offered through this Site.
General Conditions
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "User" means any individual or corporation who enters this Site and/or any of its derivative pages, and/or the individual or corporation requesting the Services offered through this Site.
The access and use of this Site, as well as the Services offered through the Site are directed solely and exclusively to individuals or Mexican corporations or to individuals or corporations whose domicile or establishment are located in the United Mexican States. AFC may, at its discretion, provide Services to Users whose domicile or establishment is not located in the United Mexican States, in which case, the User agrees that the relationship between AFC and the User will be governed at all times in accordance with the laws, jurisdiction and courts applicable in the United Mexican States, waiving any other applicable jurisdiction or law that may be entitled by reason of their present or future domicile.
In order to access and use this Site, the User shall have read and accepted the AFC Privacy Notice, which may be consulted in www.alanisflores.com.
By accessing and/or using this Site and/or requesting any Service (as defined below), the User expressly acknowledges and agrees that he or she has read, accepted and agrees to comply with any and all of the Terms and Conditions set forth herein. The foregoing, on the understanding that the User acknowledges and accepts that AFC reserves, with or without prior notice: (i) the right to modify at any time, in whole or in part, these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other terms that may apply, in which case, such modifications will be informed to the User through this Site and/or, where applicable, by email at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the date on which the modifications are to take effect, on the understanding that: (a) after such without the User having expressed his opposition or that the User has used the Site or requested any Service after such period, modifications shall be deemed to be consensual and (b) in the event that the User does not agree to the modifications, these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed terminated, either with respect to the use of the Site or with respect to the Services, as applicable, with the obligations under the User and/or AFC in respect of those Services that are in progress in a manner prior to termination; (ii) the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or discontinue the operation of this Site; and (iii) suspend, restrict or deny access to the User at any time and for any reason, subject to these Terms and Conditions.
License and Intellectual Property
AFC grants the User the non-exclusive, revocable and non-transferable right to view and use this Site, in terms of the provisions herein stated. The foregoing on the understanding that such situation does not grant any other rights and does not include any license or right in any of its Content. The User's breach of these Terms and Conditions will result in an automatic termination, without the need for a judicial statement and without any liability to AFC of the right granted under this paragraph. The User is prohibited from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling or reselling the Services.
The User agrees and acknowledges that AFC, this Site, distinctive signs and all types of text, graphics, images, trademarks, trade names, icons, audio, video and, in general, any content on the Site is and will continue to be the exclusive property of AFC and/or its affiliated companies and/or service providers (the "Contents").
Description of Services
Through this Site, the User may refer and request all kinds of legal services in corporate, intellectual property, tax, financial and real estate consultancy, that AFC offers (hereinafter the "Services"). The particularities and other features of the Services offered by AFC will be made available to the User on the Site from time to time by AFC.
The User represents, accepts and acknowledges that:
Act in good faith with respect to AFC and its Users.
Respect intellectual property rights in the content published by AFC.
Inform AFC of any failures, errors or problems presented by the site to promote the proper functioning of the same. In such regard, AFC reserves the right to take it into account or omit it.
Do not send or disseminate in any way information or content that are intended to reduce, disorganize or prevent the normal use of AFC services, interrupt the normal circulation of communication between Users through the services, such as applications, viruses, logic bombs, mass message submissions, etc.
Do not defame, abuse, harass, dispose, threaten or in any way infringe the rights of third parties (such as rights to privacy and self-image, among others).
Do not send or disseminate in any way information or content with links to other sites of an illegal nature, contrary to the good customs and/or object of AFC.
Use the Services in accordance with the purpose set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
Do not violate the intellectual property rights of AFC and/or Third Parties.
Do not engage in any conduct involving violation of the Law.
There is and will not be any kind of commercial and legal relationship between AFC and the User, other than that established through the provision of the Services.
Therefore, the User hereby releases AFC from any type of civil, commercial, criminal, administrative or any other type of liability, and is obliged to indemnify and hold harmless (including expenses for fees of lawyers that AFC uses for its defense) to AFC and, as the case may be, to its affiliates and subsidiaries, shareholders, administrators, officers, employees, collaborators and advisers of any lawsuit, claim, complaint, process, procedure or action against them , that generate: (a) the improper use of the Services; (b) any violation of these Terms and Conditions; or (c) any infringement and / or violation that with respect to any of the property, copyright, trademarks or other rights of any person or entity.
Access Conditions and Obligations
AFC does not guarantee that the site or server that it makes available to the User will be exempt from faults, viruses or other dangerous components. The User must take the necessary measures to protect his/her own data and/or software.
The User agrees that AFC and its suppliers are not responsible for any damages consequence from making use of the service. Any tool, content or service downloaded or obtained in any way through AFC is the absolute responsibility of the User.
Therefore and in accordance with the applicable laws, AFC, as well as its employees, and suppliers shall not, in any event, be liable for any direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages that in any form (including without limitation, loss of data, damages due to business interruption, or any other financial loss) arise or relate to the operation of the Website, its tools and contents.
Access to the Site
The User may only access this Site through the means authorized by AFC for this purpose, on the understanding that AFC will not be liable of the fact that the device(s) through which the User has accessed this Site are not compatible with this Site or that the User has used a version incompatible with them.
Links to other websites and/or social media and/or applications
AFC is not responsible for the practices used, nor for the information contained or services and/or products offered on other websites and/or social media and/or applications linked to or with this Site.
Therefore, when the User uses a link to access from this Site to other websites and/or social media and/or applications, which are not the property of AFC, or vice versa, our Terms and Conditions, and privacy policy are no longer applicable. Consequently, the User will be subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of said digital environment. In addition, AFC shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by security over such content, products or services available on or through any such sites or resources.
AFC, concerned with offering a reliable and quality Site and Services to all its Users, seeks to review and update from time to time the elements that structure the content of this Site. However, in addition to the exclusions and limits of liability set forth in these Terms and Conditions, the following are not limited to:
a) AFC assumes no responsibility for the operation or any damages and/or damages that the User deems may arise from accessing and/or using this Site with his mobile device, computer equipment or any other equipment, or arising from the presence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the content, or any other element that could be introduced by any third party violating the controls of AFC, or by any other application that purports to supplant this Site.
b) This Site has been reviewed and approved for proper functioning. However, AFC does not guarantee the total or partial availability and continuity of this Site. AFC do not assume any responsibility for any damage or damage arising from the lack of continuity or availability of connection to the Site.
c) AFC do not assume any liability for any damage arising from:
• Access and/or improper use by the User or any other person to this Site.
• Lack of accuracy, relevance or detail of the content of the Site.
• This Site does not meet the User's expectations, or the information or Services are not useful to you for any specific purpose desired by such User.
• The operation of any of the links and/or links contained on this Site and/or the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the products, services, information or any elements of the content on other websites and/or social networks and/or applications linked from or with this Site.
d) This Site is for the User's personal use. By accessing and using this Site, anytime or under any circumstances may the User consider that he/she enjoys any right or license for the use and/or exploitation of this Site and/or any of the elements that make up the content or Content of this Site, other than those set out in these Terms and Conditions. Any use other than the strictly personal use of the Site by the User requires prior written authorization by AFC.
e) The information contained on this Site is focused exclusively on the Services intended for the market of the United Mexican States, without prejudice to the provisions of numeral 1 (General Conditions) of these Terms and Conditions.
f) Likewise, emails and/or telephones and/or faxes and/or any other means of communication referred to on this Site shall not be accepted by AFC for the receipt of any kind of judicial or extrajudicial notification, lawsuits, locations, authority requirements or any other information other than that submitted for consultation or commenting purposes. For such purposes, the address to be governed shall be as set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
g) AFC is not responsible for the use that customers or Users may make of the materials on this Website or link pages, whether prohibited or permitted, in violation of the intellectual property rights and/or industrial content of the Website or third parties.
h) AFC is not responsible for the acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of whether these third parties may be linked to AFC by contractual means.
i) AFC is not responsible for the access of minors to the contents included in the Website, being the responsibility of their parents to exercise adequate control over the activity of the children or minors in their care or to install any of the tools to control the use of the Internet in order to prevent (i) access to materials or content not allowed for minors, as well as (ii) the sending of personal data without the prior authorization of their parents.
Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights / Regulatory Compliance
The trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on this Site are the intellectual property of AFC and/or its suppliers and may not be reproduced in part or in full or used or represented without the express written authorization from AFC and/or its associated companies or representatives, under threat of legal action.
Any modification, copying, reproduction, downloading, dissemination, transmission, commercial exploitation and / or distribution of any type of content, services, tools, pages of the site or computer codes of the elements that conforms the Site is prohibited.
Cookies Policy
The use of this Site may require that the User shall download content, software and/or consent to additional terms and conditions, policies or exclusions of liability.
The use of this Site implies that the User gives his express and unequivocal consent to AFC in order to use cookies, without prejudice to the measures of deactivation and deletion of cookies that the User may adopt. A cookie is a text file that is installed on the device from which the User accesses this Site. Cookies are used to know the activity of visitors on this Site, for statistical and functional purposes and in order to improve it from the storage and retrieval of browsing data.
For more information about our cookie policy and your personal data, please see our Privacy Notice on www.alanisflores.com.
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes contrary to the law, void or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision herein.
The User shall not be entitled to fully or partially assig not assign his/her rights and duties derived from these Terms and Conditions, without the prior written consent of AFC.
The User agrees that AFC in its sole discretion and without prior notice, may terminate or suspend the use of all or part of the Services for any reason. In such regard, AFC will not be liable to Users or against third parties for such termination or suspension.
Amendment of terms and conditions
AFC reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as these Terms and Conditions. Therefore, AFC recommends that the customer and/or User to read them carefully each time he/she accesses the Website.
By using the Services, you agree to be bound by the content of the Terms and Conditions herein.
Competition, jurisdiction and applicable law
These Terms and Conditions and the access to use this Site, are governed by the federal and other regulatory laws of the United Mexican States. In the event that the User accesses and/or uses this Site from abroad the country, the User acknowledges and agrees that he/she does so at his/her own risk and liability, releasing from all liability and is obliged to indemnify and hold harmless AFC, including and not limited to: (i) for any improper access and/or use of this Site that does not comply with applicable regulations in such location or in the United Mexican States; (ii) for the User's failure to comply with any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions; and (iii) for any violation by the User of third party rights.
The User by using this Site agrees that any dispute arising from the use and interaction with this Site or any matter related to this Site shall be solved and decided by the competent courts of Mexico City, Mexico, waiving the parties to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them in virtue or their current or future domiciles or for any other reason.
Contact Information
In the event that the User has any questions, comments, complaints or requests related to this Site or the Services, or if he/she experiences technical difficulties with it, who may contact a member of the AFC team by email at the address info@afc.mx,or by telephone at (55) 78589665, in the following schedule: From Monday to Friday (8:00 to 19:00 h).
Alanis, Flores & Cía., S.C., is a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the United Mexican States, addressed at Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos, number 180, Colonia San Pedro de los Pinos, Alcaldia Alvaro Obregon, C.P. 01180, Mexico City.
Updated on January 29th, 2020.